Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bakersfield Bluffs - Walking Trail on Panorama

I was finishing up my 40 mile ride on the Kern River Parkway Trail, which goes along the bottom of the Bluffs which also has a trail, when I noticed a few women walking on the Bluffs.  I'm not sure if you can't ride your bike on the trail and it's just a walking/running trail or it's just that no one does becuase the trail is pretty short.  It's a nice little path with a view of uhm... well oilfields.  Not the best view, unless you're in the oil business, then it's a pretty site. 

Here is a nice shot that give you an idea of what the path looks like but more importantly take note of the drop.  Falling would lead to a nasty incident.  It must be atleast a 300 ft. drop.  So back to the women.  Here they are
plugging away, but... they are not on the path, they are walking up to the path along a ridge.  I don't think that I would have paid much attention to people walking/hiking up to path except that these women seemed to be fairly weathly in years and were teeter-tottering up the trail.  So as I rode and watched one lady slipped! Slipping on the Bluffs is a bad idea.  These women ended up making it to the top, but after a quick search I found this article and video from the local news.  Check out this link -  To sum things us let's just say... uhm be careful and don't slip if you don't want to break a leg or worse while walking on the ridge of a clif.  I think that's nice enough. 

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