I honestly don't remember what made my wife say that I could go ahead and buy winter cycling clothes but I didn't argue, not a bit. So I've been getting some cold weather cycling gear in the mail this past couple of weeks. I'll be giving quick reviews item by item and eventually I'll get through what I've received - a whopping 5 items! Any amount of new things for my bike or biking experience is quite exciting to me! Today: gloves! I often wear red so I went with pearl izumi's true red long finger gloves. On one of the rides I often do my hands about freeze on the down hill half of the ride and the way back up the hill (about 3 mile 1500 ft climb) they thaw out. I had a chance to wear the gloves a week ago doing a similar ride. My hands felt great! Starting out, the morning was in the upper 40s and by the time the sun was up and we were already 20 miles into the and having done 1500 ft of climbing already the gloves had to come off because my hands were getting too warm! I think the gloves will be great when it gets even colder but for now they are definately doing the trick when I need them when it's cold and I'm going fast! No more thawing hands for me thank you very much, actually thanks to my wife very much!
I bought the large size and they fit fine. Obviously they are not made specifically for MY hands but they are snug and only a couple of the fingers have extra room at the top of the glove fingers. They did not in anyway hinder my shifting or braking which i fiddled around with just to get a feel for being in gloves. The red rubber on the index and middle finger help a bit in the gripping of the shifters and brakes so that's a plus. Hopefully they'll stand the test of time and have a long life with me.
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