Thursday, October 17, 2013


I don't know if anyone really likes being in pain (I'm sure there are some lucky few).  I personally have mixed emotions about the sensation we call pain, specifically soreness.  Right now I'm pretty dang sore and I haven't been sore like this for a long time (atleast six months if not more since I don't remember being sore like this).   Yesterday I went and did a workout with my bro.  we did some circuit training.  Four stations squats, box hops (side to side), reverse lunges, and an ab station (pick your torture, we did a mixture of crunches, planks, and leg lifts).  Each station for 2 minutes, two circuts, a rest, and a third go around.  We used some 25 lb dumbells,

a step-up-box

and some water bottles

For drinking of course.  

After we did our circuits we hopped on our bikes and did sprints up little grand canyon dr. I made a segment out of it on strava (my first segment).  It has an average 8.6% grade! 

So now a day later the pain has set in.  Actually it set in last night.   I like being sore after I workout.  It means my muscles are in the process of becoming stronger.  But when sitting down (especially on a toilet seat) my hamstrings and glutes hurt so much my face gets all prune like as I grimace, I don't like being sore.  To make matters worse I got to pull around freight last night at work (something I normally don't have to do anymore).   So long story short being sore is good to a certain extent. 

Haven't talked to my bro. yet after the workout, but I have a feeling (in my muscles) he is in the same way.

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