Thursday, January 3, 2019


Who doesn't love an acronym? Third day into this and I'm already tired of writing out my own title to the "series."  The good news is that I'm pretty darn happy with my day today.  I was able to do a good amount of reading for my thesis paper and in between I did various stretches and exercises. I'm sure I'll talk about them in more depth as I figure out a better routine or schedule for doing them.  I also watched some GCN videos on Youtube today.  I particularly liked this one about time efficient training.
As usual they have some good advice, but I think the biggest take away is that consistency is key. Today felt like a day that was more consistent with my goals as far as eating and staying more active.  This evening my wife and I went on a walk to get the heart rate up and the legs stretched out and even though it was a bit cold, it felt great (even my wife, who needed quite a bit of persuasion to go for this walk, said that it felt good and that she was glad that I talked her into going for the walk.
      Another thing that came up in the video is that having some kind of goal might be a good idea, so I'm tentatively setting one for myself for the distant future - a year and a half-ish into the future.  I'd like to do the Sherman Pass RR (climb) again if it's still going on, or at least go at it at race pace and see if I can smash my only attempt from several years ago.
       The last bit, which is my favorite part of the video, is the emphasis on the importance of getting adequate rest - exactly what I'm going to do right now. Ah, yes, sleep. 

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