Monday, January 5, 2015

Why marijuana is not my cycling friend : The Skunk

I've never smoked the stuff and don't plan on it. So, really marijuana wasn't my friend to begin with, but now it's made it onto my unfriendly to cyclists list (I don't really have a list but now I might make one).  Here's why:

Marijuana - Stinks!
Marijuana - Makes people poor drivers!
Marijuana - Stinks!
Marijuana - Is often grown illegally in areas that would be great for cycling!
Unregulated Cannabis Wreaks Foothills Destruction in California
I've come across some not so pleasant smells while mountain biking in my area.
Marijuana - Stinks!
Marijuana - Causes confusion!
Marijuana - Stinks!
Marijuana - Makes my rides unpleasant!
Marijuana - Stinks!

Jeff Mitchell, Getty Images C     Cute little stinker.
If you didn't notice marijuana stinks and this is what causes confusion because a certain variety of weed is nicknamed skunk for its foul and extremely skunk like stench. So, I, in my little world, didn't know that weed had such a skunk stink until we moved up to northern California.  I was on a bike ride and thought there was a skunk nearby but was informed it was most likely just marijuana somewhere nearby.  Lovely. Or not.  Still when I'm out riding I must be cautious because there might be a skunk nearby. Dead or alive I don't want to be too close to source of stink.  Skunks luckily are fairly skittish ad like most animals have the flight trait hardwired into them.  If I see a skunk I usually shine my light at it and whistle so it sees a large moving mass coming towards it in the distance and it will scurry off.  Of course they don't always go away in the right direction or far enough off the road for my liking upon which point I decide it's a good time for a sprint interval and hope that the bugger has bad aim as I jet past. Anyway I don't usually have to sprint away from marijuana but it can make for some moments where I get less oxygen to avoid the smell.  If weed is growing nearby I most likely don't need to worry because it's not going to run across the road or spray me unless I'm in the mountains on a dirt road (then it's a rare and wild running spraying breed of marijuana plant-jk). Then there are the growers who might be nearby to shew you away which is uncomfortable.  I haven't run into any growers myself but I've heard some stories of other local cyclists having this experience.

Conclusion -  Stay away from skunks and stay away from weed.  Have a happy ride.

Note: I don't mean for this to offend anyone who is for the use of marijuana for whatever reason.  I am simply not a fan of weed.  It just seems to drift into my life when I'd rather not have it around at all.

P.S. Not all marijuana stinks like skunk.

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